Impact Weft(IW) Conveyor Belt

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PCB IW conveyor belt use Bekaert Fleximat® IW metallic carcass for conveyor belt reinforcement. It weaves steel cords in longitudinal and transversal directions into one integrated woven steel cord fabric. 

Fleximat® IW is part of a family of proven steel carcasses for heavy duty conveyor belts. If you contend with brutal impacts, severe cuts, or need high flexibility, Fleximat® can help.


  • Long lasting and highly durable-IW fabrics are an excellent choice in quarrying, steel works, waste recycling, and mining. They help exceed a conveyor’s performance requirements in heavy duty conditions.

  • Engineered to be tough-Four characteristics make IW tough enough for demanding conditions. 1,Steel cords are combined with RFL dipped binder yarn through a leno weaving pattern. This ensures that cables do not damage each other during operation. 2,The integrated transversal cords allow for a smooth distribution of impact forces, and offer embedde protection against rips and cuts. 3, Elongation cords, in short: “E-cords” (created by Bekaert) give the fabric a rubberized flexibility far greaterthan conventional steel cord belts.4, Just like stee cords for tire reinforcement, IW steel cords are brass coated for excellent rubber adhesion and corrosion protection. The open cord construction helps the rubber penetrate deep into the heart of the cord.

For More information, please read our product brochure@media center.